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Los textiles de México tienen una larga historia. La fabricación de fibras, telas y otros productos textiles existe en el país desde al menos el año 1400 a.C. Las fibras utilizadas durante el periodo prehispánico incluían las de las plantas de yuca, palma y maguey, así como el uso del algodón en las cálidas tierras bajas del sur. Tras la conquista del Imperio Azteca, los españoles introdujeron nuevas fibras como la seda y la lana, así como el telar de pedal europeo. Los estilos de vestir también cambiaron radicalmente. El tejido se producía exclusivamente en talleres o en el hogar hasta la época de Porfirio Díaz (de 1880 a 1910), cuando se introdujo la mecanización del tejido, principalmente por parte de los franceses.
Hoy en día, las telas, la ropa y otros textiles se elaboran tanto de forma artesanal como en fábricas. Entre los productos artesanales se encuentran las prendas prehispánicas, como los huipiles y los sarapes, que suelen estar bordados. La ropa, las alfombras y otros artículos se elaboran con fibras naturales y teñidas de forma natural. La mayor parte de la artesanía es producida por los indígenas, cuyas comunidades se concentran en el centro y sur del país, en estados como el Estado de México, Oaxaca y Chiapas. La industria textil sigue siendo importante para la economía de México, aunque ha sufrido un retroceso debido a la competencia de bienes más baratos producidos en países como China, India y Vietnam.
We currently sublimate T-shirts, blouses, underwear, leggings, backpacks, cosmetic bags, shorts, shorts, dresses, towels, promotional products and a myriad of additional products for the fashion industry, promotional and similar.
for Events UniformsPromotionalSportswearSpecial Garments PRINTINGIn our printing plant (lead and phthalate free) we manufacture textile printing in automatic octopus of up to 16 arms, offering a maximum printing surface of 49x58cm. We are ready to meet the specific needs of your company. We currently print various garments in cut or assembled for markets as diverse as underwear, high quality promotional, department store garments, rock bands, pop, among others.PUFF PrintingPrinting PUFF Printing
We easily differentiate ourselves from other textile decorators because of our philosophy, since we are convinced that the growth of our clients implies mutual expansion. That is why we work with this determination: TO MAKE OUR CLIENTS GROW. CLOTHING MANUFACTURED GARMENTSThe ready-made garments we handle are an example of our work, combining different types of decoration techniques (such as printing, silk-screen printing and embroidery) in garments. We make a great variety of models and types of garments, such as promotional, for sporting events, mascadas, fashion, beach and others.
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The apparel and textile sector is the main export sector of the country and is distinguished nationally and internationally as a competitive, responsible, versatile and flexible sector. 435 companies make up the supply chain composed of textile companies, garment factories and companies that provide finishing services and accessories, offering quality and speed of response. Having these companies within the industry makes it a viable option for the generation of immediate formal employment in the country.
Guatemala is a logistical center given its proximity to the United States and access to both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, which has positioned it as the “Regional Center” for business.
To increase the flexibility and versatility of the sector, producers have innovated their services and work for the continuous improvement of production quality, thus managing to adapt to new trends.
Guatemala’s apparel and textile sector is taking advantage of trade agreements, which have strengthened its market in several countries such as the United States, Central America, and Mexico; the different trade agreements can provide Guatemalan companies with the opportunity to explore and find new markets that generate long-term commercial strategies.
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We sell high quality and variety of fabrics, the most updated textile LABORATORY service in the industry, and the FINISHING of different types and compositions of fabrics with incomparable types of final finishing.
When designing an industry, the choice of techniques is dictated not only by the convictions and experiences of the investors, but also by factors of different nature with which the main market foreseen for the product is important.
We transform our wealth of future-oriented technological and scientific knowledge into attractive services for the global market, generating added value for the benefit of our customers, employees and shareholders.
We have a world leading laboratory specialized in tests related to AATCC (American Assosiation of Textile Chemists and Cholorists), ASTM International; ISO and BS (British Standard).
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